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FM Rakd
FM Rakd is without a doubt one of the most impactful sires in our breeding. We have kept and reserved several of his fillies for ourselves. He is a paternal brother of Tio Langa (who won 4th place in the Endurance World Championship in Abu Dhabi 2011), Tia Balu and other successful endurance horses.
FM Rakd was imported from Argentina in the womb. As a sire he is very consistent in producing height, classic type, excellent metabolism and a very fine skin. His pedigree speaks for itself with a combination of egyptian, Crabbet and domestic american bloodlines.
FM Magno ( x ZT Magnahan)
FM Misteriosa ( x HCAS Mistura)
FM Filomena ( x Supetar Fadia)
FM Magno ( x ZT Magnahan)
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